5 December 2019

Is Now The Right Time?


We are frequently asked about optimum timing when it comes to selling a Business.  Naturally, business owners want to get this right when choosing to sell and if we look at the political situation over the past three years, coupled with sensational news coverage over anything negative, then you would have expected transactions to be limited.  However, the reality has been somewhat different.  We have had our most successful period over the preceding 18 months with buyers actively seeking opportunities in every sector we encounter.  This coupled with new and fluid access to funding has enabled both buyers and sellers to realise their opportunities.  It is true that some businesses are seasonal in how they conduct trade and this may influence their attitude as to when to sell.  However, in our experience this will matter not when a successful buyer is found and transactions are fairly consistent throughout the course of the year.

If you want to talk through timing or any other factor that you feel may affect the sale of your business, you can contact us now on a confidential basis on 01244 403547 ask for Ian Hart or Sam Minard.